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Habimah Arts

Youth (Grades 1-6)
Every camper is a star at Habimah (The Stage)! Your emerging artist will be guided by Habimah Artists In Residence, who are hand-selected from Baltimore’s top professionals and organizations. 
A group of campers performing on stage.


Traditional Habimah Arts Camp

Age Group
Grades 1–6

For those who dance on their couch, doodle in their notebooks, or can’t stop singing along in the car, Habimah is the warm and supportive environment to let your camper’s creativity flow. Emerging artists will be guided by Artists in Residence from Baltimore’s top professionals in performing and visual arts experiences. Each two-week session includes daily swim for all, an off-campus field trip for Omanim, and an on-site arts-centered show or experience and daily instructional swim for Yotzrim. The session culminates in a final showcase and gallery at the Gordon Center to share all the new skills your camper has learned!

Yotzrim (Creators) | Grades 1-2
Omanim (Artists) | Grades 3-4

Daily Instructional Swim is included for Yotzrim campers.

Session 1: June 23-July 4 (No Camp July 4)
Session 2: July 7-18
Session 3: July 21-August 1
Session 4: August 4-15

Omanim (Artists) | Grades 5 & 6

Session 1: June 23-July 4 (No Camp July 4)
Session 2: July 7-18

Options Available: Early Drop Off and Late Stay | Hot Lunch

Check out our Children’s Theatre Production Camp options for 1st- 8th graders who love to perform!

ACA Accredited

Camp Dates

Traditional Habimah Arts Camp 2025 Dates

June 23 – August 15
(Four Two-Week Sessions)

Monday–Friday | 9:15am–4:00pm

Bergeron, Adrienne

Director of Youth Arts Education
Dept.: J Camps

Seltzer, Melissa

Senior Director, Arts & Culture
Dept.: J Camps

The Habimah Arts Camp was stellar! The resources offered, the time and care put into the showcases, the level of swim instruction, and the connection to Jewish culture were highlights.

J Camps Parent