Camp Life

Meeting new people and building friendships are a highlight of our campers’ experiences at J Camps.

A group of campers.

Bunk Experience

Each program features a variety of age appropriate activities that keep campers engaged from age 2 – 15. Each camper is assigned a bunk where they are able to form special connections with one another! Learn more about what is included across our programs.

Camp Groups

As an ACA accredited camp all group sizes are in line with ACA and State of MD ratios, which range by age.

Camp Schedules

At the start of each session (on Monday), your child will be sent home with their schedule for the week. This allows us to adjust the schedule to campers needs and gives our staff the ability to come up with creative programming as they get to know your campers.


All food provided by J Camps is Kosher and nut-free. Campers have the option to order a hot lunch or bring a packed lunch. In addition, we strive to meet the allergy and food restrictions of each camper. If your camper has allergies or restrictions that we cannot meet, we will contact you for assistance in providing an alternative. Learn more about our Hot Lunch Program.

Packed Lunch

  • All lunches are refrigerated and stored by bunk (group) in a separate bag and placed in a refrigerator until it is time for lunch.
  • We ask that only Kosher-style lunches are brought to camp (i.e. no cheese and meat together, no pork or shellfish products)


  • We ask families to send in 1 morning snack.
  • J Camps provides popsicles as a snack in the afternoon.
  • On Fridays during Shabbat we also serve challah.


At J Camps we provide a NUT AWARE environment. We do not provide any foods that contain nuts and nut products and strongly encourage families to refrain from sending foods with nut products to camp.

What to Bring to Camp

  1. A backpack
  2. A water bottle
  3. 1 or 2 bathing suits
  4. 1 towel 
  5. Plastic bag for wet items
  6. Lunch & 1 snack 
  7. Rain jacket or poncho (or expect a wet kid at the end of rainy days!)
  8. Sunscreen that will be reapplied twice a day.

(Items may differ in our teen programs)



  • The most frequent type of communication you will have from J Camps are emails.
  • Preview Emails: Before the beginning of each week, parents with campers who are enrolled for the following session will receive an email that will contain an overview of what to expect as well as reminders.
  • Weekly newsletter: contains an overview of the current camp week with details of what your camper experienced.


See your camper in action in our J Camps Baltimore App under the photos section.

Text Alerts

  • J Camps Baltimore App will be used for weather updates, upcoming event reminders, camp calendar etc. Parents must install the app on their phone.
  • Emergency Alerts All J Camp families will have their information entered into our Emergency Text Alert system. This will be used only in the event of an emergency where we need to contact all camp parents at the same time.

J Camps Facebook Page and Instagram

Follow the J Camps Facebook Page and J Camps Instagram Page to keep up on the action at camp. Photos of the Day, video snippets, all-camp reminders, and more are shared.

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