Health & Safety

Campers playing at a playground.

During the camp season, a Medic, Nurse, and/or licensed medication administrator is always at camp. Should your child become ill and need to go home, we will contact you immediately. If we are unable to reach you and medical attention is necessary, we will reach out to the listed emergency contact. In the event of a medical emergency requiring care beyond the capabilities of our trained medical staff, J Camps will contact local Emergency Medical Services (EMS) who will determine whether your camper should be transported to a hospital. In the event that transport is deemed necessary, local EMS/ Ambulance services will transport your camper to the hospital or other appropriate medical care facility. J Camps will continue to communicate with you or your emergency contacts during this time.

If your child is ill it is best for them to stay at home. Colds and other childhood diseases are frequently contagious and can easily spread at camp.

Prescription and Over-the-Counter Medication Policy

Maryland State Camp regulations require a parent-and-physician-signed form for all prescription and over-the-counter medications (including vitamins and homeopathic remedies) to be administered at camp, whether by Camp Staff or Self-Administered. This form is titled MEDICATION ADMINISTRATION AUTHORIZATION FORM and can be found in either the forms section of your CampInTouch account (if applicable) or will be given to you by your camp office.

  • Each prescription and over-the-counter medication requires its own form to be completed and signed by a parent and your physician.
  • Prescription medications must be in a container labeled by the pharmacist or prescriber.
  • Non-Prescription (over-the-counter) medication must be in the original container with the instructions for use, labeled with the camper’s full name. Non-Prescription medications also include vitamins, homeopathic and herbal medicines.
  • An ADULT must bring the medication to camp & give it to the Medical Office prior to the first day of camp. Medications sent with campers will not be administered or allowed to be self-administered.
  • Campers receive medications only under the supervision of the camp medic, nurse, or other licensed medication administrator.

No medication will be administered (or will be allowed to be self-administered) to a camper without the medication administration form completed and signed by both a parent and the attending physician.