We are excited about the major renovations coming to the Park Heights JCC campus, as The Associated has confirmed their plans to move their headquarters from downtown to the Park Heights campus.
As the construction is scheduled to start on or around March 1, 2024, Camp Koolanu unfortunately cannot be held this summer. While we are no longer providing a summer camp experience, we are still planning to engage children and families this summer (and beyond) with fun and creative programs and activities.
We look forward to sharing some of our ideas for the summer in the near future. If you have any questions, please reach out to Laura Kurcfeld at lkurcfeld@jcc.org.
We have been honored to have had an impact on so many Jewish boys’ lives since Koolanu launched in 2014. While we are disappointed that we cannot continue to offer Camp Koolanu this summer, we know the renovation, which will also update the facilities available to Park Heights users, will bring new opportunities and energy to the JCC and to the Park Heights community.
Barak Hermann, CEO, JCC of Greater Baltimore
Laura Kurcfeld, Senior Director of Programs, Weinberg Park Heights JCC