Frequently Asked Questions

For more information, contact us!


For many programs, there are specific times when we invite parents to camp. You will receive information from your program about those activities. Outside of those activities, we ask that parents refrain from visiting camp. We believe in the power of camp to change lives and part of that is being away from home, even if it’s only for a few hours.

You must sign your child in or out at one of the camp offices upon arrival. Please park and come directly to the office where we can assist you. If you tell us ahead of time about an early pick-up, we can inform our camp staff of the time and location so that your child is ready to go when you arrive. More detailed information will be available in your camp’s parent packet, which you will receive prior to the first day of camp.

Yes! On the application form there is a space to request “bunking” with friends. We make every effort to accommodate those requests. We limit requests to 2 (your camper and 2 others) to avoid cliques and help encourage campers make new friends. Requests must be reciprocal.

No. Campers may not bring friends or relatives to camp. Anyone participating in camp activities must be a registered camper.

A J Camps T-shirt will be given to each camper during their first week of camp. Please label the shirt on the inside with your camper’s name when it is received. Please wear your camp T-shirt every Friday and on field trip days, if applicable.

We love to celebrate birthdays at camp! We will sing to your camper and give them lots of loving attention. We can only celebrate camper birthdays on their actual birthday (if it falls on a camp day). Birthday treats are not expected, but if you wish to send them, they must be NON-FOOD ITEMS such as stickers, toys, games, etc. This is because of camper food allergies and dietary restrictions.

HEAT: During times of extreme heat we move activities indoors and alter outdoor activities as needed.

RAIN: We have rain plans and locations for all of our outdoor activities. That said, during a light rain, campers may remain outdoors. If the rain persists for multiple days, we will facilitate indoor all-camp activities.

COOL MORNINGS: There are some mornings when the air temperature and the pool temperature added together do not equal 140 degrees. On those days swim instructors will keep the campers active and warm – this is a great day to wear a swim shirt! When necessary, instructional swim may be modified and will occur out of the water.